
medium Bud Learn more about medium Bud

  • What are the varieties of potatoes grown by farmers' professional cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation?

    What are the varieties of potatoes grown by farmers' professional cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation?

    The main grain of potatoes is constantly advancing, and many farmers' specialized cooperatives are also adjusting in this direction, so what are the potato varieties planted by farmers' specialized cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation? 1. Eugene (88-5): breed source: this breed is from Benxi horse

    2020-11-09 Now farmers professionals cooperatives growers potatoes
  • Introduction to the main points of ramet propagation and management of twelve stripes

    Introduction to the main points of ramet propagation and management of twelve stripes

    Introduction to the main points of ramet propagation and management of twelve stripes

  • A New Clonal Tea Variety-- Zhongcha 102

    A New Clonal Tea Variety-- Zhongcha 102

    Source: Zhongcha 102 is a new clonal tea variety selected by Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from Xihu Longjing Tea population in Hangzhou. Features: it belongs to irrigation type, middle leaf type, early species. The plant is of medium size, the tree posture is half-open, and the branches are dense. The leaf is born horizontally, the leaf color is green, the leaf is oval, the leaf quality is medium, the leaf tip is acuminate, the leaf surface is slightly raised, the leaf body is flat, the bud is yellowish green, the hairs are medium, the size of the bud is medium, and the 100 buds of one bud and three leaves weigh 39 grams. Characteristics: strong sprouting ability, dense germination

  • Asexual Propagation and Seedling raising method of Schisandra chinensis-tissue Culture

    Asexual Propagation and Seedling raising method of Schisandra chinensis-tissue Culture

    As a new technology and scientific research means, plant tissue culture has developed vigorously in various fields of plant science, and has been widely used in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, Chinese herbal medicine and other production fields, showing great advantages. A large number of seedlings will be provided in a short time to meet the needs of production. As a means of asexual propagation, tissue culture can propagate 60 000 branches in 8 months with one apple bud, 1 million seedlings in one year with one poplar axillary bud and 500000 seedlings in one year with one Schisandra chinensis bud.

  • Tissue Culture technique of Rhododendron

    Tissue Culture technique of Rhododendron

    Rhododendron is an evergreen or deciduous shrub of rhododendron family, which has the characteristics of many varieties, early flowering, rich flower color, long flowering period and so on. In recent years, due to the development of cutting propagation technology, the yield of rhododendron in China has been increased. However, due to the small number of female parents and low reproduction coefficient, valuable varieties still can not meet the needs of society. Tissue culture is an effective measure to realize the industrial breeding of rhododendron. The following will be briefly introduced as follows: first, the basic technical link of tissue culture of rhododendron: tissue culture of rhododendron. The explants commonly used are stem tip and stem.

  • Mushroom Liao Baihao

    Mushroom Liao Baihao

    Clones. Small trees, medium-leaf, mesophytic species. Diploid. Origin and Distribution: Originally produced in Xianggu Village, Pengxi Town, Taishun County, Zhejiang Province, it is selected by tea farmers. It is mainly distributed in southern Zhejiang tea area. Other tea areas in Zhejiang have introduced varieties. Characteristics: tall plants, tree posture upright, sparse branches, leaves horizontal or pendulous shape. Long elliptic leaves, green leaves, shiny, leaf surface uplift, leaf body flat, green undulate, leaf tip gradually pointed, leaf teeth density medium, thick leaves. Bud leaves are light green, especially hairy, one bud, three leaves, 100 buds weight 40.0g

  • In vitro propagation makes industrial production of Cymbidium feasible.

    In vitro propagation makes industrial production of Cymbidium feasible.

    In vitro propagation makes industrial production of Cymbidium feasible.

  • The classic foreign variety Fujimoto rose can make your balcony beautiful if you plant one tree at will.

    The classic foreign variety Fujimoto rose can make your balcony beautiful if you plant one tree at will.

    Liana rose flower color, large and fragrant, long florescence, and many varieties, full color, flowers are red, pink, yellow, white, orange, purple, edge color, primary color, table back two colors and so on, very rich, the pattern is cup-shaped, spherical, disk-shaped,.

  • Tissue Culture technique of Stem Tip of Orchid

    Tissue Culture technique of Stem Tip of Orchid

    The growing period of orchid sprouts in China coincides with the rainy season of high temperature and humidity in the south, and the multiplication of miscellaneous bacteria is rampant, especially in soil and medium. The orchid basin medium for inoculation and sampling should carry as few miscellaneous bacteria as possible, do not apply organic fertilizer, put it in a place of light and shelter from the rain, and let the buds bare when the new buds are emerging. Take the new buds of 6~13cm, cut high from the base of the plant, remove the roots, stolen goods and wrapped leaves with a scraper, wash the material thoroughly, cut the 2~3cm length, and disinfect it in 10% hypochloric acid solution for 10 minutes. Such as belt

  • Rare Tea Variety-Zijuan

    Rare Tea Variety-Zijuan

    The scientific and technological personnel of Yunnan Tea Research Institute found a tea tree with purple buds, leaves and stems in the tea garden where more than 600,000 Yunnan big-leaf tea trees were planted in more than 200 mu of the institute. The baked green tea made from its fresh leaves is purple in color and purple in soup color, pure aroma and strong taste. Because the tea tree has purple buds, purple leaves, purple stems, and the dried green tea and tea soup are all purple, it is specially named "Zijuan". 1. Botanical characteristics Zijuan tea belongs to small tree type, large leaf type, medium bud species. Tree

  • When does the eagle peach ripen?

    When does the eagle peach ripen?

    Olecranon peaches are basically ripe in July. Among them, Shangping eagle mouth peach in Lianping County, Heyuan City is famous for its bright color, tender fruit, sweet and crisp taste, exported to large and medium-sized cities in the Pearl River Delta, its reputation is growing day by day, and supply exceeds demand, so it has become the most popular among consumers in Guangdong.

    2020-11-09 Olecranon peach what month mature olecranon basically are all in
  • Adapt to the promotion of improved tea varieties in Zhejiang Province

    Adapt to the promotion of improved tea varieties in Zhejiang Province

    Yingshuang this variety germinates early, the spring bud germination period is generally in the first and middle March; medium germination density, strong sprouting ability, long growth period, many hairs, yellowish green leaves, strong tenderness; high yield, both black and green tea, especially suitable for the production of famous green tea. At present, it has been planted in a large area in Zhejiang Province, which is suitable for popularization in the whole province. Longjing 43 this variety germinates early, and the spring bud germination period is generally in the middle and late March. It has high germination density, strong sprouting ability, short and strong bud leaves, few hairs, green leaves, strong cold resistance, but weak drought resistance and poor tenderness.

  • A New Tea Variety-- Echa 9

    A New Tea Variety-- Echa 9

    "E Cha 9", a new tea variety selected by the Tea Science Research Institute of Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province (postcode: 443100, telephone: 0717-7822446), recently passed the variety approval of Hubei Province. This variety belongs to small tree type, big leaf class, big bud class early born species. The tree posture is half-open, the growth potential is strong, and the branch density is medium. The leaf is long oval, the leaf color is green, the leaf surface is raised, the hairs are medium, the leaf tip is acuminate. One bud with three leaves, 100 buds weighs 72.85 grams, and the germination density is average. Suitable for sprouting tea, can make both red and green tea. Cold resistance

  • What are the seed planting methods of flower candle (alias Anthurium andraeanum)? How do you water it? What if the leaves turn yellow and dry? How much is the price?

    What are the seed planting methods of flower candle (alias Anthurium andraeanum)? How do you water it? What if the leaves turn yellow and dry? How much is the price?

    Flower candle alias Anthurium andraeanum, Araceae perennial evergreen herbs, sexual preference for warm, humid, semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight. The flower candle flower appearance is strange and beautiful, the florescence is long, suitable for potted plants. So what do you know about the planting methods of candle seeds? How do you water it? What if the leaves turn yellow and dry? How much is the price?

  • Drying technology of cauliflower

    Drying technology of cauliflower

    First of all, the picking petals are strong and full, the middle of the bud is golden, the ends are green, the top is not purple, and the buds are fresh and elastic, and the buds will open but not bloom. Then, the buds are steamed into medium, whose color changes from yellow to green, and the flower stalk becomes soft. And then

    2020-11-09 Cauliflower yellow cauliflower drying technology first picking petals
  • How to trim the latest banyan bonsai

    How to trim the latest banyan bonsai

    Pruning is one of the most important means in the modeling of banyan trees. The purpose of making banyan trees beautiful can be achieved by pruning. Generally, it can be pruned in four seasons. In the actual maintenance modeling, it is mainly cut and tied as a supplement, and it is appropriate to cut once a year.

    2020-11-10 The latest banyan tree bonsai how pruning modeling medium
  • Shaping and pruning methods of Schisandra chinensis

    Shaping and pruning methods of Schisandra chinensis

    The principles of shaping and pruning are: keeping strong main vines to ensure rational use of space; leaving old and small; leaving medium and long branches, short and basal branches; and getting rid of weak, over-dense and senescent branches. (1) fixed stem: after transplanting, the standard of fixed stem is: leave 2-3 full buds and cut 3-5cm from the ground. The drying time is in the spring of the following year, after the snow melts and before the plant germinates. Leave 2 strong vines after sprouting, no more than 3. After setting, use 2 strands of acrylic wool, one end and tie it to a stick about 10cm.

  • How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom?

    How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom?

    How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom? Please introduce Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, willow matsutake, willow ring fungus, etc., is one of the newly developed varieties of edible fungi in recent years. The fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus is delicious, crisp and delicious, rich in protein, and is the most popular edible fungus in Europe and Southeast Asia.

  • Efficient production technology of test-tube plantlets of Phalaenopsis

    Efficient production technology of test-tube plantlets of Phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis is a kind of orchid with high ornamental value, which is known as "queen of orchid". Its plant type is very peculiar, it is a single-stem aerial orchid, and its roots like to expose above the plant material or protrude the basin bottom to absorb water and nutrients from the air. The pedicel is drawn from the axil of the leaf, curved and curved. There are nodes on the stem, and the flowers bloom on the upper node, one after another. Flowers vary in color, including scarlet, pure white, lilac, goose yellow and azure blue, and some varieties are bicolor or tricolor with stripes or spots

  • Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of star flowers

    Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of star flowers

    There are many colors and varieties of star flowers, which are also called five-star flowers because their flowers are 5-split into five-pointed stars. The flowering period of star flowers is long, which is very suitable for landscape arrangements such as potted plants and flower beds. Artificial propagation of star flowers can generally be done by sowing.
